Mar 17, 2010

Are you taking part in Earth Hour?

The Canadian Gazette is working on a story about Earth Hour on March 27.
If you or someone you know is taking part in Almonte, Carleton Place or the surrounding area, we'd love to hear from you for a story we're working on.
Please e-mail

Mar 16, 2010

Parking rates rise

We've learned this week that parking rates are going up at Carleton Place's hospital. As well, the hospital will now charge patients to have a TV and phone in their room.
I anticipate some letters next week.
We all know hospitals have to balance their budgets and have few options to generate revenue. And yet the idea of being charged more for parking will no doubt irk many readers.
Reporter Erin Fitzgerald spoke with someone from the hospital yesterday and is working on a story to tell us what state the hospital's books are in - and how far this move will get them in finding black ink.

Mar 9, 2010

Time to act

Here's this week's editorial:

The arrival of a bronze statue commemorating the life of James Naismith will undoubtedly help Almonte cement its connection with the man.

The sculpture is expected to arrive this summer. It will likely rest in front of Baker Bob’s or near the cenotaph.

Allen Rae, president of the Naismith Basketball Foundation and Museum said the statue will recognize Naismith’s contribution to the world of sports.

A bronze sculpture of Naismith has already been crafted in Kansas and will be sent to Springfield College in Massachusetts where the game was invented in 1891.

“Basketball was James Naismith’s gift to humanity,” college president Richard Flynn recently told the Lawerence Journal-World newspaper. “The new statute will be an ongoing reminder of his legacy.”

The same artist, Elden Tefft, will cast a second sculpture for Almonte.

We hope the community seizes upon this momentum and does more.

Almonte is known the world over as the birthplace of the man who created basketball.

But the casual visitor could come and go without ever knowing this.

Yes, there is Naismith Memorial Public School, the Naismith Museum and a plaque in front of the homestead.

But we believe much more could be done to both celebrate the accomplishments of a native son and create tourism potential.

We need to thrust the connection into the public mind, not simply offer it up when asked.

Next year the world will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Naismith’s birth. But now is the time to come together locally and plan the best way to both honour his memory and capitalize on what could be global media attention.

We hope the statue is only the first step toward this goal.

In Vancouver

I keep forgetting to point readers to one of our other featured blogs.
"Nicholson's in Vancouver" follows an Arnprior-area family at the 2010 Vancouver Paralympics.
In particular, the blog wants to be your source for daily updates on the Team Canada Men's Sledge Hockey.

Mar 7, 2010

Salute to the fans

The Carleton Place Canadians finished their first season with a 5-2 win over the Hawkesbury Hawks on March 6 at home.
The team won't be advancing into the playoffs. The Canadians recorded 25 wins and 35 losses.

Mar 5, 2010

Blues in the Schools

Reporter Katie Mulligan gave video production a shot today.
She visited Caldwell Street Public School in Carleton Place to see Ottawa musicians Shawn Tavenier and Peter Voith take the stage as part of the Blues in the Schools program.
Watch the video

Mar 4, 2010

Pakenham tragedy

Police have told us the body of Tina Smithson has been found. The Pakenham woman went missing in late January.
Some readers expressed doubt - or maybe I should say disbelief - that Smithson had fallen through the ice of a creek near her home and was swept away.
Hopefully this provides a bit of closure for the community.

Mar 2, 2010

Former Can.Tire site meeting

I got this from the CP Farmers Market recently:

The Town has hired a consultant to determine the future use of our current Carleton Place Farmers Market site at 7 Beckwith St. (the former Canadian Tire building). We are invited to participate in this process through an Open House on Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 from 4 to 7 p.m.
I would strongly encourage all vendors and supporters to attend this session and make it clear that the CPFM would like to continue to have access to this site, preferably in a three season, indoor facility. If you are unable to attend personally please contact Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town (telephone 613-257-6207; regarding your concerns for this site.

Mayoral blog

Mississippi Mills Mayor Al Lunney has written about the treatment plant issue at his blog, under the headline 'Sometimes I get frustrated.'

"After attending numerous meetings and listening to residents, I started thinking, what would have happened if we had not included the septage component and simply built the required plant for Almonte residents and what would have happened if the Ministry came through on its commitment to ban the spreading of untreated septage."

Read more from the mayor's blog