Dec 4, 2009

Councillor threatens newspaper

Our sister paper, the Kanata Kourier-Standard, is involved in an interesting situation.
All of the newspapers in our family have cut back on editorial space. In order to find some room for more local news, some papers have decided to end the free weekly columns written by politicians.
One Ottawa councillor is now threatening to have the city yank its advertising dollars if her column isn't reinstated.
Read more about the story and what Coun. Marianne Wilkinson has to say:

‘I can pressure you’: Kanata North councillor vows to stop city ads if paper pulls column

Give your head a shake, councillor

Councillor's cancelled column spurs front-page fight

Send your thoughts to the Kourier-Standard's associate editor:

Nov 26, 2009

Driving us to drink

Sometimes the simple stories are the hardest to put together.
We wanted to do quick piece looking at what's hot at the LCBO for Christmas this week.
Memories of hitting the liquor store for a gift on the way to a premier's Christmas party came flooding back for me. (We got him some ice wine)
But there was an early problem in the story.
Our local manager said he needed the OK from corporate. So we called and were surprised to hear the communications person say she wasn't sure if they could handle the request.
That request was basically to tell us what trends were big this year locally in wine, beer and spirits.
The LCBO employee then said she'd try to get someone in the greater Ottawa area ... to tell us what's big in Carleton Place.
Later, she called to say she found someone in Barrhaven who would love to tell us what's all the rage in the liquor store -- he'd just have to touch base with the Carleton Place manager first.
That's right, in order to get a quote from right here, we'll have to call LCBO HQ, who would call someone in Ottawa, who would call someone here, who would then call us.
Your taxpayer dollars at work.

Nov 25, 2009

Barn fire video

Reporter Erin Fitzgerald shot her first Canadian Gazette video for us yesterday.
As always seems the case, we put off the hands-on camera training for too long. Instead, Erin was given the camera, shown how to turn it on and sent on her way.
The results were pretty good, I think.

Nov 23, 2009

Lord's Prayer

More letters keep coming in regarding the Lord's Prayer.
We've had quite a reaction to the stories and letters regarding the Carleton Place mayor's attempt to bring the Lord's Prayer to county council meetings.
A majority of feedback has congratulated Paul Dulmage and seems to see this as a beachhead against political correctness.
On the other hand, I've been surprised by the letters against the move. All but one have been very analytical and scholarly in tone. Some even use scripture to argue against having the prayer.
Our editorial will take a look at this issue in the Nov. 26 edition.
A part of me wonders if this is pre-election posturing. After all, the council has already had this debate and even the courts have ruled against it.
But what politician would want to hear at the doorstep, "I heard you voted against the Lord's Prayer."

Nov 20, 2009

Carols in Pakenham

Canadian Gazette photographer Katie Mulligan visits the Jingle Bell Tour in Pakenham. We're hoping to offer much more local multimedia in the months to come.

Lord's Prayer

This story about Carleton Place's mayor trying to get the Lord's Prayer at county council generated quite a few letters.
It turns out the motion was defeated, but our mayor isn't giving up on the matter.
By the tone of the letters and conversations I've heard, there seems to be some push back from local residents who feel they're being pushed aside. There were many references to Canada being a "Christian nation" and "eroding religious rights."
A couple other letters noted the separation of church and state isn't intended to infringe on individuals. Rather, it's to recognize we are all equal regardless of our gender, age, race or religion.
We're planning on addressing this issue in an upcoming editorial.

Let us know what you think by taking part in our poll (on this blog) or by sending a letter to the editor to

Lined up out the door

Looks like a sold-out afternoon showing of "New Moon" at CP Cinemas today.
We hope to have a story about the phenomenon locally and why it is vampires have such allure these days among teen girls.
(Katie Mulligan photo)

Nov 19, 2009

Beyond ink and paper

Yes, we're a newspaper.
But the four-person newsroom here also gets news out in a few other ways.
You can read local news at and For regional news, check out
Daily updates are also published at
For local multimedia, take a spin through


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In this space we hope to offer a behind-the-scenes view from our newsroom at the Canadian Gazette in Carleton Place and for
As well, it's hoped you'll come to use this space to ask questions, offer tips and generally have conversations about local topics.